O Amor Nasceu Mulher," by singer and songwriter Pedro Mann, is a work that celebrates the strength, resilience, and beauty of the feminine. The music video’s narrative unfolds through a box of memories, where each object revives moments of struggle, affection, and connection. With a contemplative and intimate aesthetic, the production balances delicacy and depth, revealing the poetry in the small stories that shape these lives. Amarelo Verve had the honor of delivering the project, including the music video, cover design, and communication materials.
"O Amor Nasceu Mulher", do cantor e compositor Pedro Mann, é uma obra que celebra a força, a resiliência e a beleza do feminino. A narrativa do clipe se desenrola através de uma caixa de memórias, onde cada objeto resgata momentos de luta, afeto e cumplicidade. Com uma estética contemplativa e intimista, a produção equilibra delicadeza e profundidade, revelando a poesia das pequenas histórias que moldam essas vidas. A Amarelo Verve teve a honra de realizar o projeto entregando o vídeo clipe, design de capa e materiais de comunicação.
Direction: Hillary Freitas and Renan Salotto
Production: Amarelo Verve
Cast: Pedro Mann, Karina Queiroz, and Lucas Cavalcante (@cinharc)
Director of Photography: Pedro Erthal
Editing and Post-Production: Pedro Erthal
Art Direction: Renan Salotto
Art Assistant: Alessandra
Editor: Pedro Erthal
Production Assistant: Jussara Mendonça
Acting Coach: Hillary Freitas
Motion Design: Eduardo Cunha
Production: Amarelo Verve
Cast: Pedro Mann, Karina Queiroz, and Lucas Cavalcante (@cinharc)
Director of Photography: Pedro Erthal
Editing and Post-Production: Pedro Erthal
Art Direction: Renan Salotto
Art Assistant: Alessandra
Editor: Pedro Erthal
Production Assistant: Jussara Mendonça
Acting Coach: Hillary Freitas
Motion Design: Eduardo Cunha
Distribution and Release Strategy: Labidad Music - Márcio Moreira
Behind the Scenes (Making Of): Fabricio Mendes
Support: Grace
Behind the Scenes (Making Of): Fabricio Mendes
Support: Grace
Special Thanks: Bartholomeu Wiese, Glória Estrela, Márcia Carnaval, Mariana Jatahy
Thank you for watching!
For new projects, send a message to: ola@amareloverve.co
For new projects, send a message to: ola@amareloverve.co
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@amareloverve @renansalotto
@amareloverve @renansalotto